Sunday, July 15, 2012 


There's one forecast for today. The calm in the early morning before the storm is great. The trees wave in the cool breeze, and the birds sing a more solitary lull, singing in anticipation of, or perhaps protection from, the coming torrent.

Love it. Now if only I lived by the ocean. In the works.

Saturday, July 14, 2012 

The medium is not the message

It never was. The true message is in the content, the substance of it all. That's something I have to keep reminding myself from my frog jumps between electric, paper and purely mental.

The importance of the medium is the opportunity for the expression of the message. How can you best express yourself? What affords you a comfortable environment for self expression. Isn't that really what we're all about these days? YouTube, Twitter, Facebook. Look at me! 

It's too bad I'm blessed with neither a hot enough body nor a countenance pretty enough to merit a million hits on a YouTube channel where I chat about my day while looking hot for 15 minutes. It would be a great existence. I strangely genuinely believe ridiculously good looking people have great lives. I would love to get paid for my good looks. 

Sadly, that is not my business. I scrape by with the many jack-of-all-trades skills I've picked up along the way. My words carefully selected from the books I manage to finish (which is really, not very many). 

I'm very surprised when I hear wisdom from friends. It's fitting then, that that wisdom or care is rarely directed my way, but of a third party nature. Nevertheless, it does surprise. And surprise sets me to wonder my nature, and what effects my words have had, and why I say the things or neglect to say the things that I do. Speaking for me, really isn't a conscious decision. I am transported outside the television screen and stare back at myself and listen intently to what I have to say (subtitles are sometimes required). 

Why do I not introspect so often any more? I'm not entirely sure, but I do know that the first thing I think about when asked that question is my conversation with Hannah oh so long ago. I remember being lost in thought for ages, being obnoxiously critical and unable to escape my thoughts. She told me to stop, and I did. I just never started again. 7 years later, I feel like it's time again. She's moved on with her life, I've changed immensely (all without any introspection whatsoever). 

I don't believe I've lost the ability to do so, but rather something more insidiously has taken place. It's like that wall that was built in Inception. It's built so well, covered with vines, camouflaged with a veil of ignorance. There are times where the Wall is visible, but in my comfort, I hesitate to knock on it, let alone venture even within sight, afraid what constructs may topple if I do approach. Each brick a fragment of my ostensible stability.  How can I question these things? The only way I actually have this stability now is to leave the brick in place. Maybe it's a shame I forgot the cement.

If it topples, I know not what I might find. Perhaps happiness, but when you're buried alive in the aftermath of a wall falling on you, it takes awhile to claw your way back to happiness. 

I'll pick at this further. 

Friday, October 23, 2009 

human contact

sick and stuck at home. when will I get better????

Going bananas stuck here doing nothing watching tv all day.

Monday, June 15, 2009 

dream away.

9 years, an honors degree, almost finished a business degree, an english teaching degree, worked at a law firm, a bar, multiple coffee shop rivals, a camp leader, an english teacher, sold credit cards for a week, lived in thailand for a year, played in a band.

unsatisfied. unfulfilled.

follow your dreams. hrmpf. what if your dreams keep changing?

Friday, November 21, 2008 

I am 2008 going on 2009

Wow. I'm in awe of the jump from 2006 to 2008. Has it really been that long since I've really blogged my heart and brains and balls out? Really, this was the only true blog I ever had. There were upstarts (oh fuck there were upstarts alright), but they never lasted longer than any of my relationships (ooohh self buuurn!).

It's 4am, and i feel hungry, sinking in this bed, typing for the wasted, the tired and the barely awake. I'm currently waiting for my course registration (4 hours from now).

I can't sleep. Play the blame game all I want, I fucked up. I haven't been myself ever since Bangkok and the craziness that ensued. I wonder if I'll ever get back to where I was (or is there no back, and is forward the way to go).

What worries me is that I've lost some of that integrity that used to hold me back, and limit me. I wanted to break free of the limits, but perhaps we all need our limits. Perhaps.

After last year, I've lost the ability to trust, and as such, I have lost trust in others.

I tell myself, the opportunities that present themselves now are the result of my transformation, but are they? Can I truly draw that correlation, do I need to exist in this altered state?

If you're looking for a resolution, you've come to the wrong place. There is no resolution here. There is the search, for that peace that lies in silence, but this be anything from resolved. Can prey really pose as predator? Can I really continue to exist as everything I was not?

The decisions we make are layers on a cake. As the layers pile on, the cake takes on new flavours, but it can never quite shake the layers that are below. Each new layer solidifying its taste.

fin. for now.

Friday, November 17, 2006 


yes, i have been off the blogging scene for a couple of months now. lost my center, what to do? i make my return in a covert fashion, no flashy titles, no crazy pictures or emo rants.

i think there came a point where i just wasn't sure what i really wanted to say, or why i was even saying anything at all. now, on a friday night, inflicted with bronchitis and the mellow depressions of james blunt, i write, a little.

...why so much emptiness? i think part of it is a question of medium. the connectedness with which we bind our eyes is to blame. a world where i can talk to my pals in singapore or thailand with the click of a button, is a world where i can also be ignored by my friend a block away from me. "away" "n/a" "out to lunch" replace the face to face rejections.

text messaging replaces the dreaded "i can't go out with you tonight" phone call (i know because it happened twice this month). my buddy got dumped by MSN. there's something new to talk about at ihop with your buddy, "hey man, i had a rough night, got dumped electronically. let's go get pancakes". thank god we still get pancakes.

that's a little piece of my mind.
i think being able to write coherently is an indicator of mental health. no?

Saturday, September 16, 2006 

I was just perusing the Irrawaddy Online, and it reminded me that there is something magical about Bangkok, Thailand. I just can't quite place my finger on it. It could possibly be that I spent many childhood vacations either in Bangkok or Chiangmai, or that I travelled around that area for 3 months 2 yrs ago. But I'm willing to be there's something more than that.

I can't really understand why I am drawn to it. I dislike the traffic, and get ashmatic because of the pollution, and it's scorching hot. But there's just something about Thailand that makes me want to come back. Is it the great shopping deals or the fancy restaurants or the cheap food? Perhaps, but I still don't feel like i've put my finger on it.

Maybe it's time to take a little trip.

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  • I'm M
  • From Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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