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Saturday, March 11, 2006 

no matter

lots of immigrants will probably agree with my sentiments. how ever far you run through time and the space that encompasses it, the past is always around the corner behind a curtain ready to pop it's amorphous countenance to set you down or up some kind of whirlwind spiral.

no matter how much ignorance i develop, no matter how much cultural adaptation i proclaim, my roots keep coming back in waves crashing in shallow waters.

well, we'll see what happens. maybe my dream to relearn chinese and backpack asia will be realized in the next couple of years.

heehee.. my sis n i have a theory...

most asian immigrants go thru that stage where they are kinda fully aussie.. but then later they become very asian....

like when i was in high school, i was kinda more asian with the bubble tea and all.. now my ABC frenz are like fully into azn music and all these azn movies and singers.. haha.. its quite funni.. the thing is that some of them dun even understand the chinese words but they just listen to jay chou for the sake of it...

so yes.. then u kinda get back to a middle ground.. where i guess you become 'normal'? ;p

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