Sunday, January 29, 2006 

Two Tests

Second Test was more entertaining.

Your Dating Purity Score: 78%

You are an under-experienced dater.
This doesn't mean you're unexperienced - far from it.
It just means that there's a lot of romance left to discover!

Your Animal Personality

Your Power Animal: Eagle

Animal You Were in a Past Life: Whale

You are active, a challenger, and optimistic.
Hard-working, you are always working towards a set goal.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 

Apparently, I is "very connect to" my soul.

You Are a Visionary Soul

You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness.
Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connect to your soul.
You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable.
Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.

You have great vision and can be very insightful.
In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself.
Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend.
You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul

Sunday, January 22, 2006 

ok... so i got distracted by those damn quizzes

This is rather embarassing. I rarely do these quiz things, but when I do, I get addicted. So there's gonna be more to come. I am an "expert kisser" apparently! kick ass! These quizes are so accurate. It's amazing who comes up with these things.... er...

ok. i'll try put up a new quiz daily so I can keep updating without really saying anything. back to work.

You're an Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable



I wonder what my musical style is. Or rather, my musical preference.
A standard playlist reads like this for me:
Iron and Wine, Fifty Cent, 2 Pac, Jack Johnson, Keith Urban, Issac Stern/ Perlman (Classical Violin), Temptations, Frou Frou, Rage against the machine.

Where do i stand? Well, I searched the blogosphere for answers, and this authoritative 10 question blog quiz helped me figure it out. Woo. Well, it tells you which band you are most like. So I guess that's a start eh?

Maroon 5 Shares Your Taste in Music

See their whole playlist here (iTunes required)

I did like maroon five before and during the maroon five craze last winter. But I dunno, they are starting to annoy me. And their videos of making out with older women just creep me out sometimes.

Saturday, January 21, 2006 


Speaking of minorities, my friends and I made a very interesting observation in our political development class. The class consisted of 12 people with one student directing a presentation/discussion. Nothing out of the ordinary from the onset. The observation came when we were seperated into three groups of four. basically, we were sitting in a rectangle. so like er..

: ----------------------
P |

so each group was on one of the sides. This is the interesting part:
My group consisted of 3 Africans and 1 Asian, while the next group comprised 3 girls and 1 guy and the last group was made up of 3 guys of the brown persuasion (forgive my ignorance, but don't know the difference between them) and 1 white guy.

It was just rather interesting as my friend and I started go "er... do you see what I see?". Oh yeah, this entire post is a plug to say that when we played trivial pursuit (using the readings) my group totally kicked ass. I'm really excited that in the majority of my classes, although we do endure lengthy reading lists, we do manage to make lots of fun out of them.


Aiya.. why no one comment lah?

One of my favorite poems (i don't read many, but this one is good)

summer solstice, sharon olds

I wonder how the meaning garnered from this poem has evolved considering september 11th. the huge machinery of the earth.

also on the same page, read "the solution". you'll get a kick out of it. it's right under the pope's penis, which is curt but fun.

Friday, January 20, 2006 

Bending Space and Time

I have no time! I feel like I'm taking on more than I can handle. What with 16 credits, 2 volunteer jobs, LSAT prep, and my foray in to the church scene (still iffy), I seem to have no time to do much in terms of leisure.

Must life be like this? Sigh, a return to the vernacular I counter! I think I would like to learn more about plants and planting in general. Today I sunk my hands into the soil of the earth enclosing my plant. Soft and grainy earth, back to some beginnings.

Of course, the plant was from my parent's van, and the soil from a double-bagged plastic bag, and the procedure of transfering the plant to another pot with more soil lasted less than a minute. But still... I could see myself having more plants.

Saturday, January 14, 2006 

Black Sesame

Sometimes, just sometimes, I want to wear a big "fuck off" sign on my forehead. You know to ward off the disingenuous. I tire so of most of the people I know. I tire of how little they are willing to give, and how little it makes me feel.

~oh no, please don't direct your attention elsewhere, this is not a whine. I think I am addressing the results of those rare but pungent moments of loneliness that descend upon us out of the blue. surrounded, but alone right? i think all of us go to that places sometime (too bad we don't meet in that place much). looking for something, but not knowing what, that's the general atmosphere in that place. love and belonging? maybe. under the assumption that it is love and belonging that we seek, then I suggest two avenues that are explored by my peers:

1) ole'fashioned love

This is the search for that warm fuzzy feeling that a woman sleeping in an alaska trailer sings about. A simple feeling that's true. The search for one. The ultimate partner to spend a life of happy monogamy with forever and ever. Why do we need these "someones" in our lives? For the very reason we began the arduous search: someone phone up when that inevitable shroud of loneliness sets in. This can only be realized when you have had that, and lost it. The number you so carelessly set into your nokia sits in digital dust, to be glanced over and sighed over, but never dialed, over.

This ole'fashioned love although very... difficult, alleviates the ailment of momentary loneliness. It is precious. "Closer" was a great film, natalie portman, captivating.

2) sex in the city

TV tells me that the first has been, pro tanto, usurped by something that makes the the monogamy of the penguins look like the orgy of the penguins. We find it in specious relationships that from the outset mean nothing. A false, or perhaps temporary comfort. The general trend is movement from the one to the next, always in need, breaking and reforming in a vicious cycle of the poverty of love. I do not wish to discount this method of satisfaction, because I have many times considered the option. Apparently, virginity to a guy doesn't mean as much as it does to a girl. Apparently. So far, I haven't been able to drive my car over the ethical hump (haha, get it? ethical hump. i am funny). I have friends that subscribe to this theory, and who knows, maybe they are more satisfied than I.

So far, prudentially, I still see this method as a form of escapism, with the effect of not satisfaction, but rather a way to block out the moments of loneliness. The distinction is rather nuanced, but important nonetheless. The later seeks ignorance of the moment of loneliness (MOL), while the former seeks to face it head on with two instead of one.

-- And now back to my shroud, and my prep for my presentation on "equality, utilitarianism and intuitionism". I really do wish my brain was sharper.

Thursday, January 12, 2006 


I've been out of the blogging world since Christmas started. Today is my first foray in to the blogosphere of 2000 and 6. You know what? I feel fresh. This new year has somehow acquired new focus (and more of it). I am involved in school (i have already begun researching for my essays), I have started a gym plan, I have devoted a few hours a week to 2 seperate volunteer commitments, I am studying for LSATs (albeit a little high during the first session). haha, session. anyway, where was I? New focus. Yes.

I am now in a new apartment, much closer to school. Instead of wasting 3 hours passed out on the bus, I can use those buspass hours for volunteering. Have a meeting with the campus pastor to see if I agree with him (i have a bad history of hating most religious authority figures). If so, I'll get more involved with the university church.

So much to do, so little time. Until next time.

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  • I'm M
  • From Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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