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Thursday, November 24, 2005 


Since Christmas and the New Year are fast approaching, and the pensive fog has birthed a state of contemplation in me, I have decided to construct a list of things I wish were different about me.

I wish...
1) ... I could write with the eloquence and non-challant-ness that i see in may other of my friends' blogs. some people just have a way of writing that makes you want to read more. simple and complex ideas, wrapped up in elegant prose. poignant diction complemented with original metaphor.

2) ... my soul could be satisfied just for awhile. i wish that i had the direction that I see many others have.

3) ... I could gain the courage to step out into the world and let the torrent of the batter my person, i wish i had the courage, to test myself to withstand.

4) ... I could find the love I had once a small glimpse of.

5) ... I was harder working, so I could finish my essays before they are due (without me being tricked into it)

i wish i was a little bit taller i wish i was a baller i wish i had a girl and if i did i would call her too short. whatever happened to him?

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  • I'm M
  • From Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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