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Tuesday, November 29, 2005 

kind of blue

when all your friends become acquaintances, and your family doesn't see,
just pick up a copy of miles davis ~ kind of blue and walk to walmart in the snow.

It made me want to cry at some points! A select few pieces of music can do that for me. And I started listening to this album at the perfect time: it just started snowing in vancouver.

Walking alone in the snow, drinking rose tea, and listening to Miles on my sony netmd. amazing.

Just read that its bill evans on the piano. But i thought I heard something familiar. heh.

Man, i need more music to calm the mind and soul. It's like a hot cup of tea
seeping through my ears
to my eyes
realising as tears. such great stuff, but i just can't explain it.

Miles is a LEGEND!

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