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Friday, January 20, 2006 

Bending Space and Time

I have no time! I feel like I'm taking on more than I can handle. What with 16 credits, 2 volunteer jobs, LSAT prep, and my foray in to the church scene (still iffy), I seem to have no time to do much in terms of leisure.

Must life be like this? Sigh, a return to the vernacular I counter! I think I would like to learn more about plants and planting in general. Today I sunk my hands into the soil of the earth enclosing my plant. Soft and grainy earth, back to some beginnings.

Of course, the plant was from my parent's van, and the soil from a double-bagged plastic bag, and the procedure of transfering the plant to another pot with more soil lasted less than a minute. But still... I could see myself having more plants.

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  • I'm M
  • From Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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